What Is Animal Communication?

What Is Animal Communication?

Animal Communication helps us connect with animals on a much deeper level and gain insight into what’s going on in their world.  

It is telepathic communication, which means feeling at a distance. It is a two-way conversation from the heart.  Animals communicate with each other in this mode of communication all the time.    

I communicate with animals using a free-flowing conversation style which gives animals the opportunity to express their voice. 

Being able to connect from the heart allows me to communicate with animals through my other sense. This can include seeing images, hearing the animal’s thoughts, feeling sensations, or even tasting and smelling through them.

It is always pleasure for me to communicate with animals. I often find that animals don’t just tell me what I want to hear.  They want me to hear what needs to be heard (their voice). Each animal’s messages are unique.  After all, every animal has their own story to tell.

cat meowing

Just like us, animals are sentient beings with their own emotions and feelings, which means they have the ability to make their own decisions.  

Animals are communicating with us all the time and want to deeply connect with us. As a Professional Animal Communicator and Healer, it is my role to assist animals and their pet parents to create a stronger bond and happy, harmonious life together.

Animal Communication is beneficial for the following, but not limited to:

• Behavioural issues

• Health concerns (vet assistance)

• Separation anxiety

• Anxiety

• Moving home

• Preparation for new addition to the family (human as well as animals)

• Changes in family dynamics (ie new flatmate, children moving out)

• Life changes (new jobs, marriage, separation)

• Death in the family (human as well as animals)

• Emotional preparation for holidays

• Stress in household

• Emotional preparation for upcoming events (ie having human/animal visitors, pet sitters)

• Communicating with animals that have passed over

Good relationships start with good communication.